Install FOSSBilling with DDEV (Docker + Apple Silicon)

I love Virtualisation. It is the perfect way to work with different Projects and Environment at the same time and on the same machine. In this is tutorial i will show you how to install FOSSBilling using DDEV aka Docker with Macbook M1 Pro aka Apple Silicon. 


FOSSBilling is a free and open source hosting automation, billing and client management tool. Because it is an open source project and i am a developer, i would like to get involved 🙂 
There are many ways to install FOSSBilling on your local machine or on a server. They have a really well-documented Installation Tutorials. If you would like to install FOSSBilling with any following option, follow that tutorial:


DDEV is a Docker-based PHP development environment. If you are not a Docker Expert, DDEV is perfect for you. It requires zero Docker Skill to install Docker based PHP Environments. The best part is coming 🙂 Following services will be pre installed and ready to use:

  • PHP / Apache / Nginx etc.
  • MySQL / MariaDB etc.
  • PHPMyAdmin
  • MailHog

Environment Installation

First of all install DDEV with the official tutorial of the DDEV:



After successful installation of DDEV you would be maybe need a restart. Then download the latest stable FOSSBilling Release:



Unzip the archive file into your development folder:
unzip FOSSBilling.zip -d ./fossbilling

Change into the folder and create ddev config:

cd fossbillling
ddev config

You can skip the configuration steps with enter. 

After that you have to change the pre-configured webserver-type from “ngnix” to “apache”:

vim .ddev/config.yaml

webserver_type: nginx-fpm
webserver_type: apache-fpm


Finally you can start the ddev installation with following command:
ddev describe

DDEV Describe Services

FOSSBilling Installation (Release)

So the development environment of FOSSBilling is done. Now you can actually start with the Installation of FOSSBilling. Here are a couple useful commands:
ddev launch -> open the website
ddev launch -p -> open phpmyadmin
ddev launch -m -> open mailhog
As you see on the ddev describe output, the database host, credentials are db I will attach the screenshots of the installation, since there is nothing to say 🙂

Developer Installation

If you are a developer and want to code in FOSSBilling you should install it manually with following tutorial:



On your local machine you should have NodeJs installed. For the composer install you can switch into docker container with “ddev ssh” then execute “composer install

Aziz Ozbek: Fullstack Developer und WordPress Expert <a href="/about-me/#contact">Contact me</a>
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