What is Qubes OS? Qubes is a safety-related operating system. This is an operating system that runs all the software (Windows, OS X, Android and iOS operating systems) on one computer. We will install Qubes OS and check out Qubes OS, how it works.
Qubes OS is like other Linux distributors free and open source software. This means that anyone can use, copy and modify the software in any way under GPL license.
The general logic is to run the operating systems in various virtual machines (hypervisor) within an operating system. The virtualization required for this is made possible by Xen.
- Developers: Invisible Things Lab
- Current Version: 3.2
- Ancestry: GNU/Linux
- ↳ Fedora
- ↳ Qubes OS
- Kernel: Linux (Kernel)
- Architecture: x64
- Licence: GNU/GPL(General Public Licence)
👨💻Who is Edward Snowden?
Former CIA* ve NSA* employee. He lost his job, his rights in the United States, for human rights and privacy and was labeled a criminal in the United States. Erward Snowden lives now in Russia. In 2013, he leaked information proving that the US and Britain and the rest of the world spy.
CIA = Central Intelligence Agency
NSA = National Security Agency

I do not want to live in a world where everything I say, everything I do, every conversation, every expression of creativity, love or friendship is recorded. (…) I think that anyone who rejects such a world has a duty to act within its means.
Edward Joseph Snowden
🖼️What is Hypervisor?
A hypervisor (virtual machine monitor) is software that represents a virtualization layer. The layer enables virtual machines running different operating systems and their control. The virtual machines share the hardware resources such as CPU, memory, network cards and controllers. Learn More…

What is Xen?
The Xen Project hypervisor is an open-source type 1 hypervisor or baremetal that allows many instances of an operating system or even different operating systems to run in parallel on a single machine (or host). The Xen Project hypervisor is the only type 1 hypervisor available as open source. Learn More…
🔒Why is Qubes OS safer?
Qubes has a structure that allows you to divide the different parts of your digital life into isolated sections (virtual machines) called “qubes”.
For example; You have made a small mistake in your computer that you are working with, and you are doing your own personal activities at home, with the same computer that you use at work. So the damage done to you at work doubles. You can probably use two computers to prevent this. This is where the operating system Qubes comes into play. Various virtual machines help you to differentiate your work and private life through various security measures.
💻System Requirements
- 64-bit Intel or AMD prozessor (x86_64 aka x64 aka AMD64)
- 4 GB RAM
- 32 GB disk
- Legacy boot mode (bevor R3.0; nachdem R3.1 wird von UEFI untestütz)
📑Qubes OS Installation
I tried to show the installation with Screenshots. Especially I didnt write anything, because everything was clear 🙂
If something goes wrong with you, leave a comment.
Have fun…