After Effects aktiv tab maximieren shortcut

After Effects How to maximize Active Tab

If you are using After Effects little bit more than other people or you have to use it because it is your job, you have to render videos a lot. That’s why you have to see every detail, when you finished your Video or when you want to use a Effect, you have to scale the work panel manuel and after a while this will be soooo boring and tiring.

I use for that this little tricks to make the width of Panels 100%. I captured a video years ago, but in Turkish, thats why i wrote a Guide down below.

Lets begin…

How to maximize Active Tab (Youtube)

After Effects maximize work Panel with shortcut (Guide)

  1. Go to C:/Users/Your User Files/Appdata/Roaming/Adobe/After Effects/11.0
  2. Open the File “Adobe After Effects 11.0 Shortcuts
  3. Find in “”ToggleTabPanelMaximize
  4. Press “Windows Key + R” and write “Charmap”
  5. In After Effects there are a lot Shortcuts for everything, we have to find something, which doesn’t exists and pretty easy to use. In this Case i’m gonna use Quotation marks which in Charmap “U+0022” means.
  6. Copy “U+0022” in Adobe After Effects 11.0 Shortcuts > ToggleTabPanelMaximize.
  7. In this File “+” symbol has a mean, thats why we use instead of “+” => “x”
  8. Its look now “ToggleTabPanelMaximize” = “(Ux0022)”
  9.  If After Effects is open, close it and open it again.
  10. Done!
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